And yes, I know, it has been way too long! Bad Hollie - I can't promise I'll never do it again - but I'll try!
So things are good - just a little crazy - but I love it that way! Makes me smile! I love that I never know what the heck is going to be thrown my way - but for right now - I'm just a little excited. :-)
Life is full of laughter and good friends - crazy memories - lots of funny stories - and just a peace. Yesssss!!!!
So - for this year - I've got a lot of things I'm hoping for - not necessarily resolutions, but more goals for the year - and here they go:
1. Quit being so selfish - lets face it, my world revolves around me. That needs to change. Yes, I can give you the 'right' answer of what I should be focusing on, but that would be just so that I would feel like you all would think I have it together. And really? We all know that that is so not the case! So baby steps - more like Christ - less like me. Serve serve serve. This world does not revolve around me. It revolves around the sun...and to really throw in the cliche - it revolves around the 'Son'. Yes, I just pulled from a lesson in Middle School church - YESSSS!!!
2. Stop dating DBs. Yes. To many of you, you know what this means. But its true. I've dated some great guys in the past, but there have been a few db's sprinkled in there. Yes yes, I know, I have not been perfect (I know I know - it was a tough realization for me too), but I feel over the past 4 months things have been revealed to me, and I'm not settling. Nor do I want someone to settle for me. Quality, not quantity Hollie. :-)
3. No more making out. Ok...that was more for shock value. How about, no more making out unless I'm in a committed relationship with someone. No casual date makeouts. Just because you buy me dinner does not me you can kiss me. This is going to take some serious self control. (And fyi - make out = kissing. Its just more fun to type making out)
4. Laugh often and laugh loud! Hopefully this will be the year of joy and laughter. I know tears can be good - but I prefer laughter.
Okay, that's me for now. I'll post a few pics from the 4 months I've been absent. Enjoy! Love you all!
your resolutions cracked me up! No more DBs for sure and no more kissing. hahaha. you can come join my no-kissing club. I have become a pro, unfortunatley.
yessssssssssss. LOVE IT.
Thank goodness you are back in the world of bloggin, missed you! Hope all is well, you still need to meet Miss L! LOVE YOU!
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