Saturday, June 7, 2008

30 - Flirty - And Thriving!

Hey everyone! Yes, I know, once again, bad blogger - but I'm here now, and really, that's all that matters. Yesssss!!!!!! And guess what....I'm about to turn 30! I know, I think its crazy too!

What's even more crazy is to think about what all has happend in a year. When I read back on my post from turning 29, its amazing to think about how I'm at such a different place. I'm truly excited about turning 30. There is no shame in it. I thought that this was going to be a depressing time for me, but you know, God has been so good and given me an excitement and peace about turning 30 and being single (yes, that means that Jonny is back on the market ladies...he's a great guy and any girl would be so lucky to be with him.) I am really so excited for this summer and this year....I feel like there are some big things that can happen - and I can't wait.

I have been blessed with some amazing friends, who bring joy and laughter into my every day and I love them for it. I've got some amazing middle schoolers - at church and at school who keep me young and remind me how fun it is to be a big dork (ok, they're not big dorks, but I am), and I've got an amazing God who is really holding me close right now and teaching me so much.

So tonight is the big blow out for #30 - and I'm thrilled to celebrate with my friends who have been such an integral part of my jouney so far. I'll post some pics hopefully this week so if you aren't able to make it - you can feel like you partook in some of the festivities.

I'll blog with y'all soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that I could celebrate with you! Happy birthday!