Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I know I know - its been a long time...

Yes - I am a horrible blogger - it has been WAY TOO LONG since my last post. And I can't really say that nothing has been happening, because if you know me, you know that is not the case.

We started school on Monday and I am so excited to be back. I really am! I have most of my same kids again and I just love them. Its been so fun to catch up and not have to worry about building that rapport with them. (Did I spell that right? Oh well - I teach math, not english!) Plus - its just exciting to see how much they've grown and changed in just 3 months. This is going to be such a fun year - I really can't wait!

In my personal life, the Lord is really teaching me a lot - what most recently has been revealed is that band aids only work for so long. And if I really don't deal with the bruise, or cut, or scrape, or amputation, or whatever, but just put a bandaid on it, then all I'm doing is seeting myself up for some serious infection. (Like my analogy there? I thought so!) I have got to heal. And finally, I can see that I need to. Which is such a weird place for me. I think for so long I've felt like I'm healed enough or that I need to act on the 'now' and not worry about what has happened in the past, but because of this I've developed so much scar tissue that I think I'm starting to not feel. (I'm continuing with the anaolgy...) And I don't want that. I never thought I would be skeptical or hard, but that's where I'm heading right now and I don't like it.

I really can't wait for this semester - I can't wait to spend some serious quality time with my girls...middle school and adult. I don't know if its the 'back to school high' (which there has been some interesting smoke from the boys bathroom) or just me seeing what I need to focus on now - but whatever it is I can't wait!

So that's it for now - I promise it won't be long before the next post! Here are some pics to hold you over -

My favorite new students -

Me & Shane before he left - so sad!

1 comment:

Sum said...

Yeah for an update finally!