Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Young Life

So...we're back! School is officially back in session. And surprisingly, I am loving it. I fought coming back - wasn't ready for summer to end - but now that I'm back - I love it! I have some of the greatest kids! I have 3 sections of Algebra and 2 of 7th grade regular math - which makes me happy!

Kendall & me on the first day of school -

Me & Abby - one of my former students who game to visit me after her first day of high school -

So, why title this blog Young Life? Well...not only am I starting to do Young Life and LOVE it - but I figure - that is what I'm kind of feeling. Like I'm in this young life. I think I have wisdom, but I don't. And that quickly gets pointed out to me. But I love that I still am young. Yes, 30 is young people! :-) Its so funny to me how I think I have things figured out, but am quickly reminded, whether through life experiences, friends, or God just screaming at me, I don't. But its good that I don't -

So Young Life - the organization - LOVE IT! Kendall and I had our first leadership retreat this weekend and it was so fun. I love the leaders and I am so excited about the ministry. We had the first event yesterday, and oh my goodness - it was amazing! So many of my kids were there from last year and I even got to bring 2 who I don't think have ever been exposed to Young Life. So fun! I'm just really excited to get to continue these relationships with my students that I spent 2 years with. Its going to be amazing! :)

Ok - here are some pics from the retreat and then the pool party yesterday - enjoy!

This is Kendall and me trying to make our swimsuits YL appropriate -

And here we are on the boat - trying to savor our tans...

Post Waterskiiing - yesssss!!!!

Kendall & me at the YL Pool Party

Me & Kaitlyn - one of new YL girls and favorites from the past 2 years!


chavon taylor said...

so fun!!!

B-HO said...

WOW!! SOunds fun and busy! I think Kendall looks a lot like summer in these pics...I have never really seen it before...LOVE YOU!!

Sum said...

dont make me do an intervention about wearing swim-suits over bikini tops.

Laura said...

hi friend! oh i miss you! and am so glad you are doing yl! I loved it in high school, so fun. I miss you girlie, glad all is well.